Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June To-Do's

Back in high school I used to make a to-do list when each month rolled around. I kept it in the back of my school planner. It wasn't your typical to-do list, much like the ones I write out every day to keep myself from forgetting what I must to in a days time. Rather, its a list of things to do to keep myself doing things that I really want to be doing. It's so easy in the rush of life to forget to take time to do the things that you really want to accomplish. It always felt so good to make these lists and accomplish what was upon them. It's a habit I've fallen off of and I want to start up again, so here goes my life to-do list for the month of June...
  1. Drink a June-Bug (This delicious drink is at T.G.I. Fridays...My friend Hope and I discovered them years ago and I always try to have one when June rolls around!)
  2. Go to Kennywood (This is Pittsburgh's big amusement park. Patrick has yet to go and I want to experience it with him!)
  3. Begin my golfing lessons (Patrick bought me them for my Birthday and I'm yet to cash them in due to time restraints)
  4. Finish reading "Something Borrowed" (I'm terrible at finishing books...I start and never finish, I want to break that bad habit!)
  5. Go fishing and catch a fish! (It's that time of the year again and I've yet to dip my rod in the waters! I've got a big itch for it though!!)
  6. Work on refurbishing my grandmothers old trunk...
  7. Go to the movies and see "Sex and the City" and have a good signature Cosmo afterwards ;-) ACTUALLY HAD THE COSMO ON MY SISTERS BIRTHDAY AND HAD THE JUNEBUG AFTER THE MOVIE :-)
  8. Make Patrick a homemade chocolate cake from scratch (I promised him this weekend I would when we watched "It's Complicated"...I've never done this one before!)
  9. Start running again...I'd like to go at least 3 times per week.I DIDN'T GO THREE TIMES A WEEK...BUT I DID GO AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK...
  10. Go to a farmers market for fresh produce
  11. Close on my house (This one is kinda out of my control but I'm pushing for it to happen! I just want it to be mine so I can start the makeover!)
  12. Go flying with Patrick (This also is out of my control...he needs to be 100% licensed before this can happen but again, I'm pulling for this one!) HE HAS 4 HOURS TO GO BEFORE HE'S A LICENSED PILOT!
  13. Catch lightning bugs :-)
  14. Go to a pool 8-)
  15. Get a grill...It's the season for it! (Any suggestions on a good one?)
  16. Finally have the pizza cook-off I've been talking about with the Harris' and Grisham's
  17. Get Bozzie to fully understand the word "Sit"!! HE ACTUALLY KNOWS IT...IT'S AMAZING!!!
I may add more to the list but this is a good start! I'll cross them off as I accomplish them :-)


  1. Wow. That. Was. Boring.

  2. We are going to Kennywood June 5th for the evening so you should join! Its Tuff's first time as well:) Oh and we can make the pizza contest happen too.

  3. My parents just bought my sister a grill for her birthday. There are some decent sales at Home Depot!

    Isn't it funny that lightning bugs are fun to catch but nearly every other bug is a nuissance? It must be their beauty! I love 'em :)

    Can't wait to see Sex & the City this Friday!
