1.) I still want to go to Kennywood!!!
2.) Join Urban Active :-)
3.) Go to Urban Active at least 3 times a week once joined...
4.) Make another significant home improvement.
5.) Get a new doctor to prescribe to me.
6.) Buy myself something nice in New York City :-) This should be extremely tough lol NOT AS EXTRAVAGENT AS I WOULD HAVE WISHED BUT PERFUME WILL DO :-)
7.) Get my basement all cleaned out....This is not all depending on me unfortunately. Grrr!
8.) Lose 5 pounds...I managed 3 last month but I'm starting over from scratch again...Here we go!
9.) Get at least 8 more scrapbook pages done for year one! -- IIIIIIII
10.) Finish "Love The One You're With" and start "Baby Proof" STARTED HEART OF THE MATTER INSTEAD THOUGH...
11.) Buy something significant and necessary for my home. Necessary is the key word!!
12.) Chapter #2...
13.) Have special bonding time with my Nieces and Nephew before the new baby comes along :-) BABYSITTING AND CAMP = GOOD AUNT MAGGIE!
14.) Go to the wavepool 8-)
your lists are so fun! :) I really might have to pick this up... crazy busy, but fun July you guys had!!